Sunday, November 8, 2009


I can no longer attempt to organize. Please note that period. Organize. Period.
There will be no more shuffling of notes, blueprints to fix friendships, laundry, picking up after Madie, or lists on upcoming projects/papers to be done.

I quit.

That felt good, let me say that again. I QUIT.

...okay, so maybe I can't quit everything for good, but as far as tonight goes, I'm shutting off. All systems are down.

Except...I can't stop thinking and I'm almost certain that to get ANY rest at all tonight, I'm going to have to write. Write it all down. Because what goes on paper (or a computer screen) leaves my mind.
So for fair warning, you should probably skip this entry and move onto another blog. one of substance and point.

  • I will make an A on tomorrow's exam if I wake up early enough to review. Alarm clock--Set.Check.
  • After class: Finish Cleaning,post office, return movies, clean Madie's ears/clip nails, get cans for donation, Spanish, work on TV project, catch up on reading, work on changing address, and all other never-ending, productive hassles.
  • Disagreements happen. I can't fix a friendship by myself, and if you don't bother to respond, we will remain stuck.. That said, it doesn't really seem like you care too much anyway.
  • Do you think you're spiritually mature? If you answer yes to this-- chances are you're missing a bigger picture and aren't. Never stop searching. Matureness in Christ can ALWAYS grow.
  • Work- Take off Dec. 27th-30th.
  • Research term paper. Due November 30th.

Finally, with stilled thoughts and silence (aside from the ticking of a clock and chirping of the crickets) I shall bid you a goodnight.

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